Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Introducing a new generation of conservation leaders: Bruno Monteferri

Bruno Monteferri (27) has specialized in environmental law, with emphasis in conservation policy and strategies. He has been working with the Conservation Program of the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law - SPDA since 2005. He has worked as a legal advisor of the Peruvian national, regional and local authorities responsible of managing protected areas and has been active in the elaboration of regulations that provide incentives for conservation initiatives. He is part of the Private and Community-based Conservation Initiative team which has supported the Peruvian government to create a regime to recognize private and communal conservation efforts. As a result, the government has been able to grant more than 800 thousand hectares for conservation and ecotourism purposes.

He has also been active in the categorization processes of natural protected areas such as San Fernando Reserved Zones and has provided direct support to Pacaya Samiria National Reserve directors, being active in the design and implementation of strategies againts illegal logging and providing advice to local settlers in order to allow them to commercialize natural resources based on management plans. On 2007 he moved to Iquitos to open the first decentralized office of SPDA and during his stay provided support for the creation of the first regional conservation program in Peru (PROCREL) which has been replicated by several Regional Governments in Peru.

Despite his background in law, Bruno has a special interest in communications, media and art as a way of promote further engagement of the civil society in conservation issues. He has developed several projects such as Regiones Sostenibles, a free newspaper distributed widely in the Peruvian Amazon regions, web platforms, documentaries and multimedia specials that are disseminated through Actualidad Ambiental.

He is chair of the Young Professionals Group of IUCN Comission of Environmental Law and has recently been part of the Advancing Conservation in a Social Context research initiative. He has received a scholarship from WWF´s Russell E. Train and a grant from MAVA Foundation to undertake the MPhil in Conservation Leadership at the University of Cambridge.

His publications can be downloaded from the following sites:

- Conservación Privada y Comunitaria en los Países Amazónicos (Ed.) This book presents a comparative analysis of the state of private conservation initiatives in Amazonian countries which is in english.
- Áreas de Conservación Regionales y Municipales: Propuestas para su Consolidación
- Oportunidades para el Turismo en la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria
- Comités de Gestión: Construyendo Gobernanza para las ANP del Perú (Ed.)
- Guía para comercializar taricayas provenientes de la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria
- Conservación, industrias extractivas y pueblos indígenas. El proceso de categorización de la Zona Reservada Sierra del Divisor
- Regiones Sostenibles. Desarrollando la Amazonía con responsabilidad ambiental

- Mar de dudas: perspectivas para la conservación de los ecosistemas marinos
- Abriendo la caja de pandora? A propósito de los Decretos Legislativos 1064, sobre Tierra Agraria; el 1085 que crea el OSINFOR y el 1090 que dicta una nueva Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre
- Implicancias legales del establecimiento de áreas naturales protegidas sobre predios de propiedad privada
- Herramientas legales para la conservación privada en el Perú
- Trade-offs between conservation and extractive industries. In Trade-offs in Conservation. Deciding what to save. Leader-Williams, Adams and Smith (Editors).

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